Although her birthname is Michelle, Michelle Hanson has been called Shelley by family and friends all her life. Her connection to shells began with her first breath. At the age of 4, when her grandparents gifted her with shells, she was instantly smitten and began a quest to learn everything about shells, as well as the animals that create and inhabit them. That seashell passion married a metaphysical passion 38 years ago resulting in a rewarding career dedicated to sharing the wisdom from the seashell kingdom. That combined passion is reflective in her teaching world-wide, championing compassion for people and the ocean world.
Shelley loves her name because she gets to be a shell…the shell with the vocal cords….and for 38 years, she has used them to share the benefits for mind, body, and spirit working with her seashell partners. To that end, she created “Ocean Oracle; What Seashells Reveal about Our True Nature” a book and oracle card deck in 2004 and authored a bi-monthly Seashell Divination column in a metaphysical magazine from 2002 until 2004. Those column articles served as a foundation for her second book in 2007, “Ocean Wisdom, Lessons from The Seashell Kingdom”. She has also written and narrated two guided-meditation CDs with seashell companions aiding in our spiritual evolution.
In addition to printed materials, Shelley has also taught seminars and workshops in North America and the Caribbean highlighting the use of shells as tools for personal empowerment and healing. Many recognize the value of working with crystals from the mineral kingdom and earth element. Seashells are crystals from the animal kingdom and water element with a multitude of benefits to assist us in navigating through life. In addition, she created a two-level online course consisting of 5 modules comprised of 53 classes designed to teach a world-wide audience about shells and the animals that inhabit them. The shells contribute powerful insights that can reshape your future. Although the classes are independent study, Shelley interacts with her students throughout their spiritual journey.
Shelley is delighted that internet videos and photographs allow her students throughout the world to bear witness to the intelligence and compassion of the seashell kingdom. On the Testimonial page, students over the years comment on personal transformative benefits derived from these classes. Shelley’s greatest joy is sharing the guidance from these master teachers. She has been quoted in sources as diverse as “Sea Magic” by Sandra Kynes, and the online Hogwarts University. She has been interviewed on local TV, radio programs and podcasts, and is honored to be called, “The Ambassador from the Seashell Kingdom.”
A personal note from Shelley:
Although I have loved shells all my life, looking back, I was not an ideal candidate to become an ambassador for the seashell kingdom. First, I was an extremely shy person, and second, I was a scientist, reluctant to stray from that realm.
With patience beyond measure, the shells literally brought me out of my shell. Their gentle guidance has pushed me out of my comfort zone enabling me to become the shell with the voice…which I use on behalf of my seashell partners. Their soft whispers to me have transformed into master teachings allowing me to apply my scientific foundation to make intuitive leaps.
It is my honor to share their wisdom with you…and there is no time like the present. Seashells are crystals with benefits for mind, body, and spirit. In my spiritual evolution, I discovered that not all teachers come in human bodies. Part of my seashell education involved a 4-year journey learning the connection of shells to the chakras through lessons with Abalones. The Abalone shells at the top of this page have been deliberately chosen because they carry the energy of the 6th and 5th chakras, connecting with intuition and speaking my truth.
So, as the ”shell with the voice,“ I invite you to explore the magical, wondrous world of my seashell partners with Seashell Blessings to you all!

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